
153 Soldiers Killed In Niger’s Troops Ambush; 34 Injured, 71 Missing

153 soldiers of Nigerien Army were killed, 34 others injured in what was considered the most bloodiest ambush by insurgency in Niger Republic.

According to Zagazola Makama, a Counter-Insurgency Expert and Security Analyst in the Lake Chad region, it was disclosed that the ambushed happened TISSILATANE, a Nigerien territory.

153 soldiers dead, 34 injured, 71 missing, 23 vehicles taken, 16 vehicles burned as well as several weapons and ammunition taken.

2 SDF missions left Banibangou and Oualam, very early today to continue the search for bodies and possible missing persons.

In addition, it was learned that only one vehicle, the intelligence vehicle, was able to escape the ambush and regain Banibangou.

It was indeed the bloodiest ambush against the troops. The search continues for possible missing persons.


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