
Osun Public Schools Where Trees Portent Danger For Students And Teachers

One of the things that the current administration under the leadership of Governor Ademola Adeleke doesn’t take with levity is the welfare and good living of the people of the state.


On many occasions, Mr Governor has directed government officials to make sure that people’s welfare are taking care without any discrimination of what party or religion they belong.


Unfortunately, some school Principals are not helping the Governor in this regard, as many of them may be nursing fear of not being punished for wrong doings.


A visit to some public schools in some parts of the state shows some delapidated buildings which need urgent government intervention.


Few months ago, I was at Imesi-ile in Obokun local government area for a programme. I took tour round the town, getting to a public primary school, what I saw there was an eyesore as almost all the buildings have collapsed left with two buildings which are not in good condition. I asked myself, do we have students under these roofs, they are death trap. The building may collapse anytime.


Two weeks ago, I was in Ila-Orangun for a burial, on our way to the venue of the event, we had a stopover, a friend who was with us in the vehicle quickly called my attention to a primary school, college primary, apart from the condition of the school, trees have already grown to cover the school.


As we were trying to check the school, a young man, an indigen of Ila, came to our side, joined our conversation on why the trees were not cut to avert danger that it portents for both the teachers and students, the young man named like three other schools in Ila that face same danger.


They are: Ajagunla Grammar School, Igbonibi Grammar School and Agboluaje Grammar school. Trees have already covered the roofs, just a heavy rain with windstorm, those trees may fall on the buildings thereby results into causalities (God forbid)


One question that keeps ringing is that, is it that the Principals of those schools aren’t care about the safety of the students and teachers or they wait for Governor Adeleke to give them directive on how to secure their schools or they want to wait until the trees fall and cause causality thereby subject the state government to unnecessary attack by the oppositions in the state.


I think the Principals of the affected schools need to be queried by the Ministry of Education.


See photos below:


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