
Chinese Envoy: Why Nigeria needs a strong party like China

Mr. Cui Jianchun, ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Nigeria, stated on Wednesday that Nigeria requires a strong party to guide it to development, similar to the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Cui said this in Abuja during a roundtable on “the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC): Outcomes and Significance for Nigeria and Africa” organised by the Center for China Studies (CCS) and the Chinese Embassy in Abuja.

Under CPC leadership, China was able to lift its roughly 1,4 billion people out of poverty, according to Cui.

He stated, “I have spoken with party leaders, and we feel that the CPC 20th National Congress will benefit the two major parties and all 18 parties in Nigeria. I have the chance to offer my opinions.

“Really, we believe that CPC can do a great deal for party formation in Nigeria since, contrary to popular belief, a party is not only about power, but also about people.

“It is about progress and how to guide the nation to realise the good vision.

The exchanging of information will continue next week. We believe that Nigeria needs a powerful party, one that can lead the country.

“According to the Chinese way of thinking, a political party is concerned not only with its platform and manifesto, but also with its implementation.

The Nigerian side can benefit from Chinese instruction and Chinese experience.

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