
EXCLUSIVE: 14 Ways To Promote Breasts Cancer Awareness

Hi ladies, October is here with us again.

Thank God we are all alive and kicking. Just a reminder that it’s Breasts cancer awareness month and all of us should try to maintain healthy breast by observing the following:

1. Wear pink to create awareness

2. Self Breasts examination

3. Have a mammogram if you haven’t had one before

4. No bra beyond 8 hours daily

5. Never sleep with bra

6. No tight bra

7. Never drink bottled water that have been in the car and gotten heated.

8. Make the breast available for the men to suck by encouraging them to suck. Appreciate it when they suck and enjoy the sucking.

9. If we can’t avoid, we should reduce our intake of canned foods

10 Reduce your intake of fatty foods especially fried foods

11. Have enough rest and relaxation.

12 Have fun and enjoy life

13. Reduce stress as much as we can

14. Report to the hospital the slightest changes we notice in our breast and other parts of our body for prompt

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