
EXCLUSIVE: 7 Types Of Relationship You Must Avoid

There is the saying that, “whatsoever is what doing at all, is worth doing well”. So, why engage in unhealthy relationship.

Below are the seven (7) types of relationship you must avoid:

1. You should avoid a relationship that is based on sex alone. It has no future. If all you do is to sleep with each other instead of discussing things that will benefit your life then that relationship is a waste of time and destiny. That relationship has no direction, purpose or aim. Its a waste of time.

2. Avoid any relationship that doesn’t add any positive impact on your life. A relationship must make you feel better.

3. Run away from any relationship that gives you more sorrows than joy. You can’t be crying always because you’ve love for someone that doesn’t appreciate. Run away from any relationship that makes you cry or gives you more tears and cry than laughter.

4. Do not stay in a relationship where you love someone but the person makes you unhappy many times. You’re forcing them to love you in return.

5. When you see signs that a relationship can’t work, don’t try to make it work. IT JUST CAN’T WORK.
You can’t be the only one in holding a relationship to stand.
There is no need remaining in such relationship. Flee from it.

6. Avoid any relationship where you find yourself struggling to love your partner. Loving someone is effortless.

7. Most importantly and above all. Avoid any relationship that will keeps you far away from God.

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