
Five sure ways to find love in Nigerian Pentecostal church

Amid depressing relationship trends and tales, it is pertinent to note that true love still exists even in the church

The dating market has never been more challenging to navigate than these times.

Many relationship norms have been disrupted by the rise of dating apps, amongst other technological advancements, mainly social media.

However, many singles seem to be getting toyed with, lied to and ghosted that is, if they’re even finding dates at all.

Amid these depressing relationship trends, it is pertinent to note that true love still exists even in the church.

When looking for love, some people are more shy and introspective. They hope to find love, as it usually happens in Hollywood movies and romance novels.

Many consider bars, clubs, restaurants, parties, gyms or workspaces the only right places to find their date. Does anyone ever think of the church?

In the church, there are avenues to explore that welcome even the shyest person when finding a potential life partner.

The most important thing is to ensure you are on the same page with the person.

Here are five highlights sure ways to find love in a Nigerian Pentecostal church.

Firstly, Attend Singles fellowship and programmes. One of the sure ways to find love is to attend Singles programmes or fellowship. Say, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

Attending these programmes allows you to interact with other singles in the church. Through these relationships, there is a possibility of meeting one who you’ll find compatible enough to love.

Many Nigerian Pentecostal churches have singles programmes that you can join. All you have to do is create time for the activities and get actively involved.

The next step is to give a striking, memorable testimony. What can be better than standing in front of the church, all eyes fixed on you? At that moment, you become the spotlight. Who wouldn’t notice you at such a time?

Sharing a striking and memorable testimony before the congregation is another way to find love in a Nigerian Pentecostal church.

From how you talk, to your charisma, to how you hold the congregation, you are engrossed in your storytelling. It would be hard to forget your testimony, particularly the person who gave it. It brings you to be noticed by admirers, who may become severe with you.

Another important thing to do is to join the church workforce. Every Pentecostal church has a workforce, and it is one of the surest ways to find love. It is being actively involved in the work of God.

You can participate as a chorister, an usher or teach in the children’s department. The goal is to do something that keeps you visible and noticed in the church.

This particular highlight is imoortanter, Dress well every time, everyday  everywhere. A famous saying goes, “Dress the way you want to be addressed”. Sometimes, humans are like magnets, and we attract only what we appear to be like.

One way to find love in the church is to stand out with your outfit and dress sense. Take time to put in the extra effort to look good so that people can’t help but compliment you.

You never can tell; it could be the distinction in your fashion sense that strikes the spark for someone to approach you.

Also, Attend church programmes frequently. You can’t afford to be unstable in your attendance if you’re looking for love in the church.

The more you are seen, the more you are noticed. No one would remember you if you rarely showed up in church.

You need to be frequent in church programmes to help you gain the right opportunity to connect with someone with similar interests in the congregation. They might be looking out for you, but how would you know when you are rarely available to be approached?

In all, actions speak louder than words; it is not enough to know these sure ways, but doing it is much more critical.

If you practise these ways, then you will be on your way to finding love in a Nigerian Pentecostal church.

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