
Healing Streams fetes of Wonders Continue at Festival of Miracles

Astounding miracles, breathtaking signs, and uncommon wonders highlighted the October edition of the epochal three-day Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

The programme hit a world record landmark as it was translated into 8,130 languages, making it the first such in human history.

God’s healing power flowed freely over the earth, bestowing great joy, solace, recovery, salvation, and blessings beyond measure to 6.9 billion people worldwide who were connected to the programme with faith and great expectations.

The scale of miraculous transformations witnessed in the October edition was certainly one for the books. The dead came back to live in multiple places, with cancerous diseases, mental and physical disabilities, organ failures, chronic pains, demonic oppressions, and myriad ailments of all kinds, lost their stronghold on countless millions of people, leaving them liberated and healed in an instant.

Testimonies are still flooding in as many are discovering and confirming their healing daily. A touching testimony is that of Yolanda from South Africa, who sent in her testimony while participating in the service in a hospital centre with her son, who was critically ill and on admission. In her words, “My son was admitted due to lung infection. He could not breathe on his own and had to be put on oxygen; his heart rate pulse was sometimes above 170, and his oxygen level was as low as 40%. Today, after the man of God prayed for him during the Healing Streams Live Healing Services, his oxygen levels increased to 96% instantly, and his pulse rate went down to 119. It had never happened since he was admitted. He is sleeping now, and I know he is healed.

In France, Mathias suffered an assault a few weeks before the programme and, as a result, suffered back problems and was in constant pain. While participating in the programme with an expectation on Day 2, he received his healing. As soon as he realised that the pain had completely disappeared, he got up spontaneously and began to do all he couldn’t do previously.

The testimonies of Yolanda and Mathias are but a foretaste of the countless miracles wrought in this edition of the programme alone.

The extraordinary weekend of blessings, divine healing, restorations, and awe-inspiring wonders ended on a superlative note as Pastor Chris prayed especially for the families and countries of the participants. Indeed, the edition will forever be immortalized in the minds of billions and the world at large as a defining moment of change and increased virtue for the body of Christ on earth.

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