
Osun Assembly ready to work with Adeleke – Hon. Adewumi Adeyemi Irekandu

The lawmaker representing Obokun Constituency at the State of Osun House of Assembly, Hon. Adewumi Adeyemi, has stated the readiness of the 7th Assembly to work hand-in-hand with the incoming administration of Sen. Ademola Adeleke. Adeyemi.

Hon. Adeyemi, who dismissed the threat of possible impeachment of Adeleke by the All Progressives Congress (APC) lawmakers at the assembly, described his colleagues as intelligent, rational and progressive.

Speaking with OSUN DEFENDER in an interview on Tuesday, Adeyemi noted that regardless of their political differences in the house, members of the assembly would work with the incoming administration in moving the state forward.

He said: “I’m very happy now because my party, the Peoples Democratic Party would be forming a new government. As a minority party in the Osun House of Assembly, we are very happy and this will make things work better for the people of the state.

“Members of the Osun House of Assembly are very intelligent people and they respect law and order. We also have it on good authority that the leadership of the House of Assembly is ready to work with the incoming government because this is governance and not the House of Assembly of a particular political party.

“This is Osun State House of Assembly and my colleagues are ready to work with new governor that will be sworn in on Sunday. So, there is nothing like impeachment or other things. We are far from it.

“Regardless of the political ideology, everyone wants Osun to advance and that is where we can have common front. We can always agree in that area. If we don’t agree in any other area, at least we should agree to move the state forward.

“So, why would Senator Ademola Adeleke wants development of the state and the House of Assembly will say no? It is not possible. The leadership of the House will want to put their names in good record.

“They will not want anything to soil their name because power is transient. The Governor-elect will be sworn-in on Sunday and after his terms, another governor will be sworn-in again. So, no one will be in power for ever.

“The house of Assembly understands this principle and they will do what is right by working hand-in-hand with the state governor. This is governance and not politics. Of course, politics if not well played will always spoil things in the State.

“My colleagues are very progressive and they are ready to work with the new Governor to move Osun State forward”.

Adeyemi reiterated Adeleke’s commitment in focusing more on youth development and restoring back the lost glory of local governments administration.

“The Governor-elect is interested in youth development. Even before he gets to office, he has already inaugurated a Youth Advisory Committee with representatives across the 30 local governments.

“He is not a governor that is not prepared. He will be sworn-in by Sunday and by Monday, expect him to start working. Youth development is very important to him”, he stated

Speaking on the mission of the Governor-elect on local government administration in Osun, Adeyemi stressed that Adeleke has said he is going to give autonomy to the local government and allow them work freely.

He said: “The Governor-elect has said he is going to give autonomy to the local government. That he is going to allow them work freely. If this is done, we all know the kind of benefits we will enjoy at the grassroots.

The lawmaker stated that the people of Osun should expect good governance, economic and infrastructural development during Adeleke’s administration, just as he assured the people that the Governor-elect will deliver on his campaign promises.

“When the Governor-elect is sworn-in on Sunday, people should expect development, progress and they should be rest assured that every promise made by him would be fulfilled because he is a man of his word.

“Also, in term of economy, recently he had a meeting with people from the America Embassy and they are forming alliances already. Senator Adeleke is a global figure especially the Adeleke family.

“They are going to bring investment to the state. They are people that believe in Public Private Partnership. The investment they are bringing will surely bring more employment to the state.

Osun Defender

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